Distributed Tracing

This task shows you how to configure Istio-enabled applications to collect trace spans.


Overview of distributed tracing in Istio.

Configure tracing with Telemetry API

How to configure tracing options using Telemetry API.

Apache SkyWalking

Learn how to configure the proxies to send tracing requests to Apache SkyWalking.


Learn how to configure the proxies to send tracing requests to Jaeger.

OpenCensus Agent

Learn how to configure the proxies to send OpenCensus-formatted spans to OpenTelemetry Collector.


Learn how to configure the proxies to send OpenTelemetry traces to a Collector.


Learn how to configure the proxies to send tracing requests to Zipkin.

Configure tracing using MeshConfig and Pod annotations

How to configure tracing options using MeshConfig and pod annotations.


How to configure the proxies to send tracing requests to Lightstep.